Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

Semarang – The Most Important Trading Port in Central Java since Colonial Era

Tugu Muda
We may only know Semarang as the capital of Central Java province but what else we can find in this largest city in Central Java. 
Is there anything that can make people miss this city? 
We guarantee that there will be a bunch of things that will make you long for exploring this city once you have visited it. 
So what would you expect to enjoy while staying in Semarang?

The Story of the City of Lumpia
According to its population, Semarang is also 7th most populous city in Indonesia with
approximately 1.5 million people living in it. The dominant population in Semarang is of course without a doubt Javanese. This city was also known as Bergota back in the day when the history of Semarang had just started. Semarang was born politically and culturally when a Sultanate of Demak named KyaiPandanArang was pointed as the first regent of Semarang by Sultan Hadiwijaya.

During Dutch colonial era, the city was vey active and became one of their quarters but this is also the reason why Semarang becomes one of the most historical places in Indonesia. It is also has a great effect in making it sure that Semarang could grow as the modern city that we see on this day and we think without all this background history, Semarang would only because a city that is not quite interesting to explore especially historically.

Cultures and Tourism
Lawang Sewu (1000 Doors)
As we all know, any part of this nation has very distinctive cultures that are very exciting and attractive for people to learn. And according to people who have been to this city before, you will not regret every second you pass in Semarang even though it is quite a weather there as in some part of the city, the sun shining really torridly so you better prepare your jacket or umbrella to make sure you do not get sun burns.

There are quite a lot of interesting places that worth your time and we guarantee that you will forget the heat you need to handle because these places will be able to cool your mind instantly. And even though they just architecture building but there are something that you can learn from it.

Klenteng Sam Po Kong (Sam Po Kong Pagoda)
Most attractions you might enjoy while staying in Semarang are Ronggowarsito Museum, PT. Perkebunan XV that has really old but attractive architecture, Taman PuriMaerokoco, Masjid Agung in Central Java, Blenduk Church, and of course the one and only LawangSewu building that has thousands of histories as well. But if you like to visit natural attractions then you
might also love RawaPening. Other than those exciting activities, you can also drop by at some pagoda to know more about Chinese cultures that have thrived in Semarang.

Vihara Mahavira
You also can easily use local transportation like trains, pedicabs, taxis, and buses. And if you are from out of town, you might also need to get a flight to make it a fast trip. You can take off at AchmadYani International Airport

For Further Information & Reservation :
Garuda Indonesia Branch Palu
Jl. Moh. Hatta No.6 Palu
Telp. (0451) 454 888 / 486 886
Fax. (0451) 428 666

Best Regard,

Diah Rizkawati
Sales Supervisor
Garuda Indonesia Branch Palu

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